With progress in technology, keyboards are getting increasingly smaller. Typos are inevitable while typing full length mails on tiny smartphones. In the age of social media, many marketers have come to believe that such mistakes don’t really matter. If you too follow this line of thought, it’s time you reconsider.

Typos on restaurant menus or road signs may be amusing, but a carelessly written business letter won’t impress your client. For a business professional, authoritative and clear communication is essential, regardless of the size of keyboard. Typos and bad grammar don’t just dilute your message, but also have an unfavorable impact on your credibility. Spelling the names of prospective clients incorrectly is the most effective way of driving them away.

Business communication like mass letters, emails, articles, slide presentations and marketing materials should be reviewed closely to avoid typos and grammar mistakes. Although small typos are acceptable when texting, sending instant messages, skyping or communicating on online social platforms, it’s best to keep them to a minimum.

If you lack the time and the resources required to create high quality content, professional writing services are a good option. Here are 3 tips to help you minimize typos in business communication:

• Keep social media and the rest of your writing separate
• Read your draft out loud
• Ask someone else to go through your draft