Focus on the Users to Counter the Damage Caused by the Penguin Update

The Penguin Update was probably one of the biggest attacks launched by Google against webspam. In spite of the search giant’s claims that the update only affected 3.1% queries, many website owners believe that the damage caused by it was more extensive that caused by the Panda Update, which supposedly affected 12% queries.

Penguin Update puts forth Google’s message loud and clear – apart from purely white hat practices, no other forms of SEO will be tolerated. Here are 3 tips that will not only help you regain lost traffic and further boost it, but also make sure that the future updates are rewarding, rather than penalizing.

Create a winning content strategy

While you try to improve your search ranking, remember that your ultimate target is the user. Unless you provide fresh and valuable content, your site is sure to fail. Blogs are an important part of the content marketing strategy. But, blogs that are not updated frequently with quality content are of no use. If you lack the time or the resources required to maintain a quality blog, you may consider hiring a professional blog writer. Sites offering quality content have benefited from both Panda and Penguin updates.

Get socially active

The sheer volume of updates made by the search giant to Google+ hints towards the major role of social media in its future plans. The best thing about social media is that you can get started with it without investing even a single dollar. Although taking one’s social profile to the next level requires considerable efforts, presence on at least two or three of the major networks is recommended.

Make efforts to offer a better user experience

This is the key to search marketing success. Quality content and social activity are also aimed at improving user experience. After all the efforts put in attracting users, the last thing you want is for them to leave the site prematurely. In the eyes of Google, high bounce rates indicate that the site is not useful for the users. Better user experience is the main objective behind every search engine update. This means that the site offering a great user experience is sure to be rewarded, rather than penalized, by each update.