Chris Brogan on the Need for Businesses to Be Digital Shopkeepers and Listen to Their Buyers

Well-known, social media marketing expert, Chris Brogan speaks of why businesses need to be the ultimate digital shopkeepers in this digital marketing day and age.

With the introduction of smartphones, digital marketing is now at its peak. People want to consume more and more using their smartphones, and need the content they’re viewing to be interesting and serve their purpose.

Brogan feels that businesses should use this to their advantage and put content out regarding their products and services that is relevant and useful to their customers or buyers.

Sometimes, praising your competition can be a good thing as it builds your credibility and makes you more human on the web. In turn, more often than not – it even leads to an increase in your sales.

Get a professional blog writer or web content writer to ‘humanize’ your business on the web, and constantly create interesting content on your behalf.