3 Quick Tips on How to Get Your Business Noticed on Google+

Ace social marketer, Chris Brogan shares 3 useful tips on how to improve your business’ visibility on Google+.

1) Share useful links on the right-hand side of your profile page. Don’t have a never ending list of urls, but instead have 4 – 5 that would be of interest and value to those in your circles.

2) Make sure that you are really easy to get in touch with. Google+ allows you to share all your contact information. You can leave a link to your contact page, and even leave your email address here.

3) Fill out the employment section of your profile with what you do for a living written in an interesting manner.

These 3 quick tips are sure to get you some attention! You could also refer to this Search Engine Land blog post for more tips.

If you feel that your writing skills don’t quite cut it when it comes to making your Google+ page interesting – hire a freelance writer or copywriter to do this for you.