Tag: writing
How Writing has Evolved Due to the Internet
The English language, like all other languages, is constantly evolving. Whether we like it or not, the digital era has had a huge impact on how people use the English language to communicate. From the overly formal language used by writers fifty years ago, people now use conversational and casual language and tone on the…
Users Can Now Create Their Own Magazines for Tablets using Flipboard
Flipboard is an extremely popular app for tablets that allows users to view content by flipping through it like they would to read a magazine. Flipboard presents tablet-friendly content to users in an attractive manner and people love it so much that this application was able to attract close to 50 million users in a…
Essential Checklist for Article Writing!
Writing or putting together some content for a web article is not enough. To stand out, attract traffic and to gain credibility; your content needs to be the best it can be. Even expert article writers, who have written thousands of articles, can make mistakes that can reduce the quality of their articles. However, most…
Read These 3 Main Pointers To Create Long-Lasting Web Content
Content creation and marketing is quickly becoming one of the top online marketing choices of companies worldwide. As more and more people are spending time on the Internet, businesses are now having to create interesting web content on their websites and blogs. However, most companies are complaining that they are unable to create enough content…
These Are the Worst Types of Blogs You Can Create!
Companies and individuals often, in their enthusiasm, start blogs without thinking of how to develop them further. As a result, a company blog suddenly starts publishing articles on cooking, recipes, music, and a bunch of other topics that are in no way related to the company or their message. So how do you think your…
Top 5 Corporate Blogs That Make Us All Look Bad
Most companies fill their blogs with promotions and company announcements. These types of blog posts may be informative to existing customers but they are not share-worthy. However, there are some companies – large multinational ones in fact, that do not bank only on their brand names to attract visitors to their blogs. As in the…
No Traction on Your Blog? Here’s the Remedy
This fact can hardly be disputed – blogging is an essential content marketing strategy. It is especially important for small and growing businesses that need to build their brands, improve credibility and attract customers and leads. Both large and small companies need to maintain effective blogs to make announcements, inform their customers about changes in…
Stand-Out with The Google Knowledge Graph
Imagine if the best search engine could understand exactly what you mean when you type in searches. What if Google could get you information from the internet by understanding the meaning of the words you type in instead of treating it as a random string of characters? This is exactly what Google is trying to…
How to Write an Excellent Bio that Attracts Attention
For the website of a company to be successful, it must have a professional looking bio of the company and the important people behind it. Most small businesses, start-ups and individuals who attempt to describe themselves and their products and services, often fail miserably. Even intelligent, educated and driven individuals can end up writing reviews…
Partnership Between Tumblr and The Awl- Original Content on The Internet is Making a Comeback
We very often come across the same content published at ten other places on the Internet. Many blogs, websites and social networks have content that is often taken from other sites. People don’t always fill their websites or blogs with original content. As a result of which, many of them are facing plagiarism charges and…