Explore blog posts on content marketing, social media strategies, SEO tips, and much more.
You may have heard that the Google search engine favors web pages that are updated regularly. So is it true that the search engine giant increases the search result rankings of pages that have “fresh” content? Company pages do not… read more.
These Are the Worst Types of Blogs You Can Create!
Companies and individuals often, in their enthusiasm, start blogs without thinking of how to develop them further. As a result, a company blog suddenly starts publishing articles on cooking, recipes, music, and a bunch of other topics that are in… read more.
Google is Making Attempts to Capture the Developing World
In the hopes of becoming the number one search engine in developing countries, Google is slowly launching its service across various countries allowing people to access its web pages even with low bandwidths. Developing countries like the Philippines, Brazil, India,… read more.
Top 5 Corporate Blogs That Make Us All Look Bad
Most companies fill their blogs with promotions and company announcements. These types of blog posts may be informative to existing customers but they are not share-worthy. However, there are some companies – large multinational ones in fact, that do not… read more.
Did You Notice the New Google Results Page Sans the Sidebar?
Google has redesigned the search results page and officially announced this change on their blog earlier today. After extensive changes to its website ranking algorithms, which changed the search results, this new change transforms the way these results are displayed.… read more.
No Traction on Your Blog? Here’s the Remedy
This fact can hardly be disputed – blogging is an essential content marketing strategy. It is especially important for small and growing businesses that need to build their brands, improve credibility and attract customers and leads. Both large and small… read more.
French Government wants Google to Pay for Linking News Articles
This may sound shocking but may soon become reality. The French government is considering bringing a new bill into action that will force the search engine giant to pay for the links of newspapers that it displays in online searches.… read more.
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Create any content – blog, social, emails, descriptions, videos, images, repurposed content etc. + ideate, collaborate, optimize, SEO or publish – all from one place