Explore blog posts on content marketing, social media strategies, SEO tips, and much more.
Feature Image Credits: Flickr Organic search, page optimisation, keyword research, search engine results pages and ranking are words that keep ringing in our mind when we think about search engine optimisation or SEO. The evolution of digital marketing came about… read more.
Navigating the Changed Social Media Algorithm: Facebook & Instagram
Feature Image Credits: Pixabay Algorithmic changes of seismic proportions have rocked the world of social media marketing, and no platforms have been worse affected by this than Facebook and Instagram. In the previous article, we looked at the types of… read more.
Navigating the Changed Social Media Algorithm: The Top 6 Algorithm Changes You Need to Be Aware Of
Social media platforms determine post placement on a user’s feed based on a series of factors ranging from the geographic location of the user to the degree of engagement with a particular brand or post. These factors (that determine how… read more.
Your Guide to Using Periscope for Content Marketing
Live videos entered the world with Facebook Live. That’s what we all assume. But there’s been a platform that gifted live streaming to the world almost a year earlier than Facebook did. Meet Periscope, a mobile application that allows users… read more.
Using Storytelling to Write Effective Marketing Copy: Tips and Tricks
Start with a bang and end with a bang! That’s the copywriting rule that all good copywriters follow. Writing compelling marketing copy can be a challenge. But, with some care and creativity, you can churn out a highly engaging piece… read more.
Making Content Syndication Work: 10 Tips to Help You Broaden Your Readership
Research shows that 75% of blog posts online get as little as ten shares on social media and zero backlinks from established websites. Lack of visibility is a killer in the world of content marketing and it can destroy your… read more.
Everything You Need to Know About Creating and Promoting Gated Content
Imagine you’re searching for content on technological trends in 2018. You find a whitepaper that’s based on the same topic. You visit the website and start reading, only to find the first few lines available and the rest ‘locked away’.… read more.
Types of Videos People Love to Share on Social Media (And How to Get the Best Out of Them)
Did you know that the average millennial watches 3 hours of videos per day? The popularity of videos is increasing and marketers are taking notice. If you wish to leverage the benefits of this new trend, put on your thinking… read more.
Google’s Mobile-First Indexing and how it affects SEO
SEO best practices are constantly changing, along with most trends in digital marketing. That’s because the criteria Google uses to rank websites is constantly changing as well. Google updates its methods frequently to account for changes in user behavior and… read more.
Integrating Social Media Marketing into Your Omni-Channel Marketing Program: What You Need to Know
When Disney decides to woo you, it pulls out all stops. The multi-billion dollar media conglomerate is a wizard at omni-channel marketing. Right from its super responsive website to its friendly team of social media genies to its imaginative magic… read more.
AI content creation & marketing platform for all your needs
Create any content – blog, social, emails, descriptions, videos, images, repurposed content etc. + ideate, collaborate, optimize, SEO or publish – all from one place