Why you Should Target Local Audience for Boosting Page Popularity

Targeting local search is a relatively new strategy that is now being used by many a savvy SEO copywriter and web content writer.

Because the reasons for this are not very obvious, many businesses fail to pay enough attention to this kind of optimization. The purpose of targeting local search is two fold. One, you reach out to that part of the internet audience that has an actual need for your services/ products. Two, you communicate with the audience that has the least resistance to becoming your customer. Result: better conversion ratios.

Targeting specific areas for a marketing campaign and analyzing the market trends accordingly, is nothing new. But using this strategy with SEO is a relatively recent development that has yielded great results. Many businesses use tools like Adwords to generate reports that show geographical search patterns. Your site’s analytics may also give some useful information about the markets that yield the most number of your customers. These are a good starting place for you to plan your local search optimization. If your SEO strategy is being carried out by a professional SEO copywriter, you can share this information with him/ her.

Remember that adding a ‘personal’ touch or local flavor to your content makes your reader identify with your business better. For instance, a banner announcing a ‘Special discount to all XYZ City residents’ is sure to make every reader from this city feel special. This also gives the SEO copywriter a great opportunity to squeeze in some area specific keywords that would work wonders for your page rank.