Why Listening to Your Customers Works Wonders for Your SEO Strategy

Many people, even self proclaimed SEO experts, wrongly believe that Search Engine Optimization ends with optimizing your web page or site to a search engine.

While defining SEO in this manner is quite factual, aligning your website to a search engine is not really what you are trying to achieve. Your real objective is to align your site to the people who are most likely to become future customers of your business.

Given this, what you really need is to understand what these potential customers want and how they are expressing it. SEO is a precise tool and using this tool can make your website accessible to many millions who use specific search terms to search for products/ services that you sell. Unless you use this tool effectively to cover all your bases, you still stand to miss a significant proportion of your audience.

Understanding your customers perfectly well includes analysing how they search for your products and familiarizing yourself with the language or wording they use for this purpose. To do this, you can ideally use direct communication methods like phone interactions or trade shows where you are actually talking to the prospective customer face to face. Each of these situations can be exploited to the maximum to build the foundation for your SEO strategy.

At each direct interaction, learn how your customers describe your business, note the way they phrase their needs and pay special attention to the words they use when talking about your product/ business. This helps you identify the most relevant keywords for your website’s search engine optimization and makes SEO truly effective. To make SEO even more effective, hire a professional SEO writing service to write your content as per your requirement.