What You can Learn about Social Media for Businesses from the Olympics

The fact that social media goof-ups can happen even to the best of the best has been proved by some of the athletes at 2012 Summer Olympics. Two athletes, a Swiss soccer player and a Greek triple jumper, have been expelled from the games over offensive tweets. While businesses and Olympic teams are not one and the same, marketers can learn some valuable lessons from these social media mistakes.

Make sure that employees do not take social media lightly

Although social media is all about being casual and friendly, employees need to understand that their posts and comments are a reflection of the brand. All it takes is 140 characters to change a brand’s perception from positive to negative. A list of dos and don’ts can help employers avoid social media gaffes.

Act to remedy the situation immediately

In the world of social media, time is measured in minutes and hours rather than days and weeks. So it is important that businesses address an issue as soon as the mistake is made. With appropriate action it is possible to turn a misstep into an opportunity. A mistake is likely to bring the spotlight on you and how you reach to it is in your hands. Rather than hiding, it is advisable to show remorse and let everyone know what you have done or plan to do.

Have a plan for dealing with social media mistakes in place

Just like offending Olympians were cut from their teams promptly, most professional social media service providers have a plan in place to deal with social media mistakes. You many not fire someone over a minor lack of judgment, but employees should be aware of the distinction between a minor and a major mistake. Rules governing interactions in the real world should be extended to the digital world as well.