SEO is an invaluable by-product of the internet revolution that has transformed the art of business marketing.

The possibilities offered by SEO marketing and its potential are truly stupendous. Sadly, search engine optimization is often considered just another of many advertising tools by many businesses.

Nothing could be further from the truth. An advertising tool is simply a way to grab the attention of several people in the hope that some may be potential customers. It is an encapsulated introduction to your business. An ad tool brings in short term results, unlike SEO which bridges the gap between your business and your customer by opening up a communication channel.

SEO builds customer relationships from scratch and helps your business maintain them too. Unlike an ad, SEO helps you gauge the changing perspectives of your customer base so that you can stay in sync with them. In this way, optimization actually fulfills the objectives of a comprehensive marketing strategy. After all, a marketing strategy is simply a plan that helps you identify, attract and retain customers.

An ad opens up a very small window to your product, which greatly limits your freedom to communicate. In contrast, as an SEO copywriter for your business, you have the freedom to give your audience exactly what they want to read/ know. If your SEO content can be written well by an SEO writing service, then you simply share your knowledge about the potential customer with them and leave the rest to them. This helps the service streamline the copy so that the right audience is drawn into your site’s conversion funnel. Here the right information is offered just when they need it, building the foundation for a successful visitor to customer conversion.