Using Storytelling to Write Effective Marketing Copy: Tips and Tricks

Start with a bang and end with a bang! That’s the copywriting rule that all good copywriters follow.

Writing compelling marketing copy can be a challenge. But, with some care and creativity, you can churn out a highly engaging piece of content. If you ask the best copywriting services what elevates a good copy to a great one, they say one thing – storytelling.


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Seven ways to use storytelling in your marketing copy

  • Identify and flesh out your characters

In a marketing copy, the protagonist is always the customer. The antagonist is the problem or challenge that they face, and the supporting cast is the organization, its employees, and its products.

Before you begin writing, carve out the characters with care. What are their idiosyncrasies? What makes them tick? What are their temperaments? What solutions will they be satisfied by? A well-designed target customer profile will go a long way in making your copywriting effective.


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  • Create the mood and establish a setting

Different moods and settings can make the reader feel differently. A copy that is too dark may drag the reader down and fail to have any impact. Similarly, a very light copy with a happier setting may sound too unrealistically optimistic, making the copy look very fake.

When writing a marketing copy, the trick is to find the right balance.

Copies for grief counseling services can be a great example here. Take a look:

“The loss of a loved one can be devastating. But it’s important to grieve and express your emotions. Repressing your grief may not allow you to celebrate the memory of your loved one. Opening yourself up to your feelings will help you cherish the precious memories you have of your beloved and will help you give them the beautiful send-off they deserve. Grief counseling can help you address any challenges that you may be facing at this difficult time. Please feel free to contact us.”

The copy addresses a dark theme – death. But, it has elements of optimism – precious memories, beautiful sendoff – which makes the copy lighter. This balance helps make the copy, which otherwise can be an extremely depressing one, much more bearable.


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  • Choose a tone the audience identifies with

B2B and B2C clients have very distinct tones. When writing, it’s important to keep this in mind, to ensure that your copy is a success.

Let’s take this copy for example.

Version#1 “It’s a Monday morning, you’re getting late for a meeting, and you notice your car has a flat tire. Frustrating, isn’t it? An immediate flat tire replacement is what you need.”

Version#2 “It can get quite frustrating to have a flat tire on your delivery vehicle, especially if it’s a Monday morning. Immediate flat tire replacement can get you back on schedule.”

Version#1 is more casual and dramatic in its address, and it evokes frustration and helplessness in the reader. This makes it perfect for individual customers.

Version#2, which is more formal, is perfect for corporate clients. Corporate customers don’t have time to read novels. They want to know if you have the solution they seek and whether you can be professional and reliable during a crisis or not. The second statement is articulate and comes straight to the point.


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  • Keep the plot truthful and realistic

While it’s okay to make the copy slightly dramatic, it’s important not to overdo it. Trust comes from believability, and a reader will believe a copy only when it sounds real.

For example, let’s say you’re selling education software. Now, the reader knows that you’ve had some success. He/she knows that there may be kids who’ve benefited from your services. They’re just not sure how many.

If you’re a company that’s been around for a decade or more, then using sentences like, “Our product has helped thousands of high schoolers in the Bay area get straight A’s” will work for you. Time is on your side, and the copy is believable.

However, if you’re a startup, your claims to help thousands may be considered a sham. Instead, you could say “Our product has been highly effective in helping high schoolers in the Bay area get straight A’s”. When not sure of the numbers or when you don’t have any statistics that you can use, it’s important to steer clear of them and stick to words.


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  • Focus on the details

In his blogs, influencer and social media blogger Jeff Bullas writes content in a highly engaging manner. In one of his articles, he mentions how marketers often use specifics in the copy when sending out mailers and newsletters. In fact, he even gives an example of a mass emailer he sent out to his prospects, inviting them to attend his speech. Take a look at the email.


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In his copy, Jeff highlights all the things people are concerned about within their day-to-day lives. He says how attending an event isn’t always just about attendance. Often, it involves many considerations, more than we imagine.

He brings focus to the event he’s marketing by talking about the basic things all of us look for out of life – good company, a good laugh, and good food. Through the usage of specifics, he makes his copy relatable and personal. That’s what makes his copy so endearing and makes it easier for us to understand exactly why is copywriting so important.

This is exactly what marketers need to strive to achieve. Use specifics where you can, as it’ll make your copy more relatable and believable. If it’s a product, describe your product in detail. Speak of how the product can benefit the reader’s life. Mention all the problems the product will solve and how that will benefit the reader. Break down the information and be as specific as you can.

  • Establish a cause-and-effect relationship

Have you ever read a children’s book as an adult? One very important theme you notice in all children’s books is the cause-and-effect relationship.

Anything that happens in the story has logic behind it. No person does something ‘just ‘cuz’. This is so because of human psychology. Children like to know that there is a reason for the problems people face and that there is a solution that can fix this problem immediately. A cause-and-effect relationship re-assures them.

Prospective customers are just like children. They too read website copy in the hope of discovering why something is the way it is, what happens because of the problem, and how to solve the problem.

Take this copy for example.

“Have you noticed plaque and tartar forming on your teeth despite brushing twice a day? Using the same toothbrush for months together can lead to dental problems. When a toothbrush wears out, it loses the ability to give the teeth deep cleaning. If it’s an antibacterial, coated toothbrush, the coating dissolves within 2-3 months. In the end, you end up brushing with just a few ineffective plastic bristles. Changing your toothbrush every three months will prevent plaque and tartar formation.”

Here, we introduce the problem in the first sentence. The next four sentences are the genesis, and the final sentence is the solution.


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  • Always add an ending that readers can takeaway

The hallmark of a good story is closure. There should be a point to the copy, and a message should be conveyed at the end. Without it, the copy would be completely useless and ineffective.

For a marketing copy, the ending should always reinforce to the reader the positive benefits he/she will experience when they purchase your product or service. You could do this by adding a customer testimonial, a quote by a renowned person, a statistic from an industry expert, or a CTA that explores the primary benefit of your product.

Essentially, your ending talks about the positive future that the reader can look forward to if he/she chooses your product or services.

For example, if you’re selling insurance policies, your ending could be something like this:

“Life insurance policies are the ladders to a better tomorrow. With them by your side, never again will you have to spend time worrying about your loved ones’ future. Our life insurance policies are designed to take care of your family when the need arises. Now, set those fears aside and create lasting memories with those you care about. The future is bright, and it is yours.”

Here, the copy re-assures the reader and ends on a cheerful and optimistic note.

When writing, always end marketing copies on a positive note. Comfort the reader and assure them that your product is the product that will help solve all of their problems as it helps to increase credibility.


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