Top 85 Social Media Analytics Tools List (76 – 85)

76. SharedCount

SharedCount is a social media analytic website that gives users information about the popularity and reach of any particular URL. Any URL may be tracked to reveal the number of times that it has been shared over popular social media sites. The site also has a multi-URL dashboard to show where exactly certain content has been gaining popularity. The website is free to use up to 100,000 queries per day for a single IP or domain. The site was built by Yahel Carmon.

77. Kyoo

Kyoo is a website which acts as a social media monitoring tool. It collects and aggregates all relevant information about any specific topic from all the popular social networks. The site also provides visitors with suggested Kyoos that are relevant to the information in the currently viewed Kyoo. A Kyoo is the aggregation of a specific theme of information. A Kyoo channel is a collection of all the different Kyoos that surround a particular theme or topic. The Kyoo site is free to use.

78. SiteTrail

SiteTrail is a website analysis platform which also acts as a comprehensive source for breaking news related to social media and technology. The website also allows users to keep track of different popular websites. A free regular review service is also provided. The site’s two main services are to provide regular news updates for websites and to search around the web for data to make a compiled analytical report of social websites. SiteTrail is available for free usage and was founded by Deven Patel.

79. Gorkana

Gorkana’s social media service provides assistance to companies to evolve and enhance the way in which they use social media as a medium to engage with audiences and build a community. They provide social media measurement and detailed analytical services. The social media analytical tools searches and filters through content from all around the web to provide information about relevant conversations. The social media measurement service evaluates and reviews social media strategies and campaigns. The pricing of Gorkana tools depends upon which products and services are required.

80. LikeAlyzer

LikeAlyzer is an online web service that allows users to analyze and measure the value and efficiency of their Facebook pages. It provides tools that allow for the monitoring, comparing, and exploring potentials of a Facebook page. Activity is evaluated and reforms suggested to guarantee success in this social network. These tools offer comprehensive reviews and tips to enhance interaction with brand audiences. Facebook statistics allow users to compare efforts with other popular and leading brands. LikeAlyzer was created by Meltwater and is available for all users free of charge.

81. All My Plus

All My Plus is a social media analytics tool that provides users with a detailed description of all their Google+ stats. By just signing in with a Google+ ID or by entering in a profile or page code, a user can see all relevant statistics. Statistics for a certain topic can also be searched for. All the statistics of previous shares, comments, +1s, locations, GIFS, videos and links are provided in a simple convenient table. This Google+ tool is free of cost.

82. Quintly

Quintly is a social media analytics tool that is designed to provide for tracking and benchmarking of a user’s social media performance. The web tool helps in optimization of social media performance by providing benchmarks with competitors and best practice examples. More than a hundred metrics and a customizable easy to use dashboard allows for tracking and comparing social media marketing performances. Quintly is available for free a trial period with other paid monthly plans for $69, $199 and $399.

83. Social Snap

Social Snap is a social media analytic tool that combines a large number of metrics to analyze data from numerous sources. This sourced data is then available for in-depth analysis of its social marketing performance and return on investment. Social Snap offers custom reports on social media analytics, campaign tracking, social channel metrics, web analytics integration and the top performers. If a user does not require full access to all features of the Snap system they may purchase select customized reports with a Reports Subscription plan. The full access price starts at $500/month and the Reports Subscription plan starts at $50/month.

84. Social Buzz

Social Buzz is a real time search engine for social media. Search results are provided along with analytics. The searches can have advanced setting such as multiple keywords, popularity filters and content type. The search results are in a three column layout of Facebook, Twitter and Google+. These three sites are what the search engine scours through to bring up results. The creation of Social Buzz was entirely the work of Dmitry Oreshko and the web searching tool is completely free to use.

85. Buzz Equity

Buzz Equity is an online web tool for social media analytics and monitoring. With the help of this tool, brands have the ability to listen to social conversations in real time from numerous popular social media sites. Tracking relevant conversations can prove to be very useful as they can determine brand value and the position of the brand in comparison to competitors. Buzz equity includes features which allow results of different mentions to be categorized into positive and negative mentions. Users can also discover the people writing about their brand, analyze trends, receive aggregate reports and track metrics over a long period of time. Buzz Equity is available for free, but a pro version with many more features is available for $19.95/month.

Top 85 Social Media Analytics Tools List

Top 85 Social Media Analytics Tools List (16 – 30)

Top 85 Social Media Analytics Tools List (31 – 45)

Top 85 Social Media Analytics Tools List (46 – 60)

Top 85 Social Media Analytics Tools List (61 – 75)