Top 50 content marketing infographics

infographicsContent marketing draws customers and prospects in by giving them exactly what they want. It is pull marketing at its finest, centered around quality information and consistent engagement. Statistics from the Content Marketing Institute reveal that 90% of B2C marketers are using content marketing and 60% have a documented content strategy. Among B2B marketers, 44% have a documented content strategy and 73% have a dedicated person in charge of supervising content marketing efforts. Nothing like infographics to drive the point home about the power of content marketing in helping businesses grow online. We have scoured the internet to bring you 50 of the most compelling content marketing infographics. Be sure to check them out!

1. Does Social Media Marketing Really Work? – Mashable

The infographic by Mashable describes how brands and businesses can make use of social media not only to create an impact, but also to measure the return on investment achieved through their campaigns on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. The information represented in the infographic has been obtained from sources like, and

2. Content Marketing for Non Profits – Blackbaud

The infographic describes the impact of content marketing efforts undertaken by non-profit organizations. For example, it shows how a majority of the most effective marketing professionals in non-profit organizations depend on content marketing. It also explains why this is happening, and provides tips to enhance your content marketing strategy. This extensive set of information is courtesy of Blackbaud, Content Marketing Institute, and Fusion Spark Media.

3. What the Smartest Content Marketers Have in Common –

The infographic talks about how content marketing is becoming a popular tool among brands and businesses, especially in the case of B2B marketers. It uses a multitude of graphical representations like bar graphs and pie charts to convey its message, and has been created by Column Five on behalf of LinkedIn using sources like B2B Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends North America.

4. 22 Ways to Create Compelling Content When You Don’t Have a Clue – Copyblogger

The infographic talks about the different ways to create powerful content, especially when you find it hard to come up with compelling ideas. The article has been written by Brian Clark, while the infographic has been created by Danny Iny, who is a guest writer on Copyblogger, along withdesigns by Blue Glass. The infographic is easy to grasp with a generous use of pictures that describe how you can find new ideas for your content.

5. Line Up Your B2B Content with your Customer’s Goals – Business2Community

The infographic focuses on creating innovative content for new clients. It emphasizes on the importance of getting to know your clients as well as their needs and goals. It gives you an idea about how to align your B2B content with the goals of your clients. The article has been written by Julia Borgini and the infographic has been created by the Copypress Community.

6. The State of Content Marketing 2014 – Oracle Eloqua

The infographic based on survey data collected by Eloqua’s Modern Marketing Community represents the highlights of the report, “The State of Content Marketing 2014” and depicts certain interesting facts about the various steps taken bydifferent brands and businesses in terms of their marketing strategies. It also reveals key trends identified within Eloqua’s marketing community.

7. 10 Super Powers of Social Media Marketers – Social Times

The infographic describes the superpowers of the greatest social media marketer in the world. It emphasizes on the importance of maintaining a balance while advertising on social media websites such that audience engagement is maintained through interesting updates, which have a high rate of recall. It has been created by Marketing Profs, Placester and Feldman Creative.

8. Top social media marketing trends –

The infographic by Talkwalker focuses on current trends in the world of social media marketing including brand journalism and visual content. Some of the trends were seen on the list last year as well, but a few new ones have also been introduced this year. Experts expect that a majority of them may continue to survive through 2015.

9. Where Content Marketing Fits in Your Marketing Plan – Content Marketing Institute

The infographic describes what content marketing entails along with the activities that come under its purview. It also talks about the subsets of content marketing and how it strengthens content strategy and public relations. Created by Placester and Content Marketing Institute, it offers insight into the various techniques that brands and businesses can adopt while employing their own marketing strategies.

10. Content Marketing vs. Traditional Advertising – Marketo

The infographic focuses on data that is proof of the emergence of content marketing as a rival to traditional advertising. It is instantly appealing as it raises intriguing questions like why companies should opt for content marketing. The infographic has been made based on data gathered by the Content Marketing Institute, and MarketingProfs as well as survey results of the 2010 B2B content marketing report.

11. Make Content Marketing Work in a Social, Mobile World – Brightcove

The infographic talks about the importance of content marketing in the world of social media, especially in terms of generating leads and converting sales. It shares stats with respect to the impact of good content on the performance of a business or brand. The sources used to make this infographic include Forrester Research, Sirius Decisions, and The Nielson Global Survey among many others.

12. Content Marketing Matters – Direct Marketing News

The infographic reiterates the significance of content marketing in terms of the number of companies that use it in some form or the other to promote their products. It has been created based on information collected from sources like the Altimeter Group, Content Marketing Institute, and Custom Content Council among many others.

13. The Quiet Giant of Content Marketing – Column Five

The infographic talks about Slideshare, which has slowly become a giant in the professional content sharing community. It compares the popularity of Slideshare with that of other platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. It also throws light on the reason behind the growth of Slideshare as a preferred platform for professional networking. The sources used to create this infographic include Quantcast, Comscore,, and CMI.

14. Competing With Content Marketing: 7 Steps to Success – Hubspot

The infographic by Hubspot and Smart Insights describes how marketers around the world are getting used to the new age of content marketing. It focuses on the importance of relevance in building engaging content. The process of content marketing has been presented in a step-by-step manner to help companies develop a sound strategy. It has been created based on the findings of a survey that addressed 2688 marketers in Europe.

15. The Periodic Table of Content Marketing – The Periodic Table of Content Marketing

The infographic by Econsultancy throws light on the key aspects of content marketing in a format similar to the periodic table of chemical elements. The table is divided into several segments with help of a key. The infographic also features a seven-step guide to success that will help any marketer devise an effective content marketing strategy.

16. The Content Marketing Ecosystem SkyScape – Skyword

Skyword’s content marketing ecosystem is an infographic that highlights everything a brand or a business will need when it comes to content marketing. It includes making a strategy, creating and curating content, hosting it on a platform, distributing the content and amplifying its impact, and finally managing its performance.

17. The Content Marketing Marathon – Curata

Curata’s content marketing marathon is a step-by-step guide to the process of creating and sharing content effectively. It offers tips that will help businesses and brands maintain a steady pace with their competitors and reach their marketing goals by attracting a greater number of clients. The infographic has been created by the in-house designers of Curata.

18. B2B Marketers are Getting Better at Content Marketing – Brightcove

The infographic reveals the results of a survey conducted to understand the impact of content marketing on B2B marketers and the strategies that companies are implementing to attract more customers. The results show that a significant number of marketers who use videos on social media platforms reach out to a larger number of people than those who don’t. The infographic has been created jointly by CMI, Marketing Profs, and Brightcove.

19. Content Marketing Infographic – Demand Metric

The infographic by Demand Metric gives a comprehensive picture of the current state of content marketing, with details of the number of brands using it and their respective budgets for the same. Most of the data shared through the infographic is in terms of percentage. The infographic answers questions like why companies need content marketing, and also explains the process of content marketing. Some of the sources used to create the infographic include and

20. How marketers use social media is not normal – Marketing Pilgrim

The infographic by Heat draws a comparison between the use of social media by the general public and advertising professionals. It represents results of a survey conducted on the subject and describes how the two sets of people use their Facebook feeds and Twitter accounts to follow different brands.

Top 50 content marketing infographics (21 – 40)

Top 50 content marketing infographics (41 – 50)


One response to “Top 50 content marketing infographics”

  1. A compilation of infographic on content marketing I must say! Its readily not surprising to learn of the effects it would bring for marketing success.

    I have been privileged to read one or more these resources and I completely agree they are compelling to help marketers gain traction of the needed insights with regards to marketing!

    This post “kingged” or upvoted in where it was shared for bloggers,social marketers,and online marketers.