Tips on Improving Your Email Marketing Success Rate

Today, most businesses use emailing in some form to promote their sales. But not all of them employ really effective strategies.

Email is a low cost, user friendly marketing tool that has unlimited global reach. Deploying this tool optimally can yield spectacular results. Here are some ideas that will help you use email marketing most effectively.

Make it easily readable – Emails are not read on a printed page and this means that your email message needs some special attention to make it easy to read. Keep enough white space in your message to break up the content into easily digestible segments. Use interesting images instead of plain bullets to add some spice to your message and draw the reader’s attention.

Keep it short – No one likes to read a long winded email. Keep your mails short and succinct so that you grab and hold the reader’s attention. Making sure that your mails are under 24k also lets you evade spam filters.

Time it right – Never send ‘business’ emails on weekends. These days are strictly for ‘relaxation’. Your reader is likely to simply dump his weekend mail in the trash without opening it.

Test it out – Send your email marketing missive to yourself first and test every aspect of it. Much better that you discover all the glitches in your email than have readers point them out to you. Check if all the links are working perfectly and taking the reader where you want them to go. Ask yourself the question “Would I open this email if someone sent it to me?” and don’t forget to answer objectively.

Keep it factual and honest – Many businesses make exaggerated claims and unbelievable offers in their email, especially in the subject lines. Readers trash most such mails as soon as they read the subject line because it is ‘too good to be true’. You can write catchy sales email subject lines without making claims or statements that are not genuine or cannot be substantiated. Remember, one false step may result in the reader discarding every one of your future messages.

Let your readers see that you value their time by presenting your message in the fewest possible words. You will see that more of your readers are inclined to read through your messages and perhaps even follow up on your call to action. If you are pressed for time, hire a professional copywriting service to write your marketing emails.