Pinterest Gives in to Demand for Unlimited Secret Boards

One of Pinterest’s interesting features is its secret board. Users had up to six secret boards – until now. Users of the social bookmarking site and visual discovery tool can make the most of the recently announced unlimited options in secret boards. Pinterest attributed its latest decision to the increasing prevalence among users to use secret boards, alongside public boards.

Secret boards have diverse business and personal use. They were initially introduced to allow users to plan surprise parties and secret events with a few collaborators. Professionals use the boards to brainstorm new projects and ideas with select colleagues, who also use the site. They also allow businesses to keep track of competitors and get inspiration from products and viral blog posts without making activities public. Individuals also create vision boards as a reminder of their goals and to sustain their efforts in achieving them.

Designating a board as a secret is simple. When creating a Pinterest board, you will need to choose the ‘Yes’ option to the question ‘Keep it secret?’.

The latest announcement from Pinterest comes on the back of the recent introduction of the Place Pins feature and supporting GIFs. The interactive element of GIFs has made them extremely popular on the internet. Since January, users can start and pause GIFs on Pinterest by using a small play button on the bottom left hand side of the image.

In November last year, the site made Place Pins available to enable users to map out a city’s attractions by storing geo-information in pins. Pinterest pegs the number of Place Pins at 200 million, with 1.5 million new places being pinned every day. Presently, Pinterest does not monetize Place Pins, though it is expected that the site may do so in the future.

Photo by Michael Deal / CC BY 3.0