Make the Most of Your Facebook Page with These 2 Metrics

Most business owners are clueless why a certain Facebook post generates a lot of interest, while the shares and likes for the next one are almost nonexistent. The social platform can offer all the answers you need, but you should know how to find them and make time to analyze them. Facebook’s Insights dashboard is a storehouse of valuable user data. Once you are acquainted with a few metrics, managing the dashboard is easy. Here are 2 such metrics.

Monitor the sources of incoming traffic

It is common sense that to gain traction your Facebook page needs visitors. Although it is obvious, many marketers forget to drive Facebook traffic, while taking measures to drive visitors from the social platform to their site. You can easily identify the sources of incoming traffic using the Insights dashboard. Just select the ‘external referrers’ option from the drop down menu given under ‘reach’ tab. This will give you a list of sites and the number of users referred by them.

Webinars, guest posts and blogs are a great way to boost external traffic. You can employ a professional web content writer for this purpose. Including share buttons and share icons on your blog and website, and optimizing for Google is also helpful.

Optimize posts by keeping track of engaged users

Rather than guessing, you can find out for sure what kind of content your target audience prefers using the Insights dashboard. Just select ‘view insight’ under the ‘tool’ icon. Here you will find a list of page posts and the number of users who engaged with it. This is a great way to gain insights like the most effective content type, post length and calls to action.