How to Write an Email Marketing Subject Line that Delivers

Email Marketing is one of the most effective internet marketing tools that you can use for your business. But not every email marketing message does its job of converting a casual reader to a customer.

A look at your email inbox will tell you that there are simply scores of email messages that you will discard without even giving its entire content a cursory glance. Your marketing email too can go the same way right into the trash can, unless it comes with the most perfectly written subject line.

So how do you write an email marketing subject line that delivers results – Offer spectacular bonuses, talk about your product, use the reader’s name? All of this may work sometimes, but not every time. What your subject line should do consistently, time after time, is to pique the reader’s curiosity and entice him to read the message fully. At the same time, the subject line should be short and accurately describe your offering without exaggerated offers or hype.

Study has revealed that using words like ‘free’ or ‘money’ in the subject sets off red alerts in spam filters so that missive may never reach the recipient. Words like ‘help’, ‘reminder’, ‘prize money’ etc put readers off and they simply discard your message as soon as it gets into their inbox.

Limiting your subject line to about 50 characters is a good way to retain the reader’s attention. Of course, if you have a really interesting description that is guaranteed to grab the reader’s attention, you can ignore this rule at times. For example, a good subject line for this post (if it were an email message) would be “Is your subject line making readers throw your email in the trash?!”. If you find coming up with a good subject line too hard,you can always get it written by a professional copywriting service.