How to Use Social Media Sites to Outdo Big Brands

If you have always dreamt of finding a way to beat super sized businesses in marketing with your small budget, the internet has just the solution for you.

Social Media sites have proven themselves time and again as highly effective marketing tools. This is no surprise considering that the number of people using the internet to carry out various activities is growing by leaps and bounds every year. What is surprising is that many big businesses do not seem interested in leveraging the access that social media sites offer to this growing audience.

Research has revealed that many Fortune 500 companies do not have an active social media presence. The company site may have a link to a blog, display the Twitter or Facebook symbol to show its presence on these sites. But, it is very rarely that a really big company actually uses these sites by updating content on a regular basis or interacting with this community. Result, hardly any of the company’s customers know of its presence on such sites or use them to communicate with the business.

This is where your small business can gain the upper hand and that too with minimum financial outlay. Start your own blog, and make sure every customer of yours knows it. Visit your blog regularly and add updates about your business, products, awards that you have won, to maintain a high profile in the internet community. Respond to queries about your company or products from bloggers. Use Twitter, Facebook and other similar accounts to stay visible to potential customers. You could even enlist the help of a cost effective social media service company to do this for you.

Given that across the world, people are increasingly doing their shopping, information searching and comparing online, your enhanced online presence lets you compete on even ground with much bigger companies that have a massive marketing budget.