How is Hyper-personalization Of Emails Becoming the Norm of New Marketing Strategies?

Email marketing is the best way to reach out to specific markets and specific clients in a targeted manner. Let us cut the banter and get to the point; recent studies show that as long as the emails are personal to some degree (apparently a little beyond the addressing), they tend to have a higher impact on the recipients. About 64% of the consumers who have received “good emails” from marketers tend to like the emails which have relevant and contextual contents.

Personalization is the key to success, but it is not easy. You will need more than a leading email client to perfect your email marketing strategy. We have seen emails with name, recipient’s location and personalized subject lines that usher in context to emails. It can be their shopping cart contents, wishlist product details or promotions as per their shopping habits. In all these cases, the impact has been much higher than generic emails that simply include company name and promotional content.

You will need more than a name!

Marketers need to create a more “intimate” relationship with their clients and potential customers. Subscribers need to see a reflection of their psyche in the emails they are receiving from a company. You need to maximize the engagement possibilities by providing them more reasons to follow the CTAs in the emails. You can use the wealth of consumer data from the consumer databases. Companies that do not have a strong and updated customer DBMS are going to be in deep trouble very soon. Marketing in any form is about to become obsolete without the inclusion of subscriber and consumer data from the database.

This calls for the need of a database manager. You can either opt for a team of DBAs on-site to manage your customer information, or you can work with remote database administrations to enjoy the perks of customer data from social media sites and your website interactions.

It is time to create device-centric email marketing campaigns

2018 is going to be the area of hyper-personalization that will surely need more than the recipient’s name to break the ice. Whether it is a welcome email or a shopping cart abandonment reminder, you need to ensure that the email goes out to the right person at the right time. The availability of organized information will change the way most companies are operating their email marketing campaigns right now.

Almost 68% of your customers are right now accessing your website via mobile devices if you are offering e-commerce services. This brings forth the need to customize their experiences for different media. You must remember that mobile has triggered a super low tolerance level for irrelevance and “unsubscribe” is just one click away. A very recent study has shown that 58% of the users have used mobile applications to open marketing emails as compared to the feeble 16%, who have accessed their email through their desktops.

Email marketing can determine your company reputation

Engagement is a KPI for delivery and reputation. This is further emphasizing the role of hyper-personalization in the life of an email marketer. There is no point in sending out emails in a format that doesn’t engage or instill your customers. Brand emails should make an impact. Your subscribers should not delete these emails or send them to spam folders directly without even looking at them. Once your recipient associates your brand name with low-grade content that deserves a place in the spam folder, retribution is going to be impossible in the future.

Do not hang onto irrelevance

When you are making your marketing plan, start with a solid email list. Gather data about each name. Find out about their age, sex, location, buying preferences and activity timeline. Once you have the finer details in control, it will be much easier for you to garner a positive impression among your subscribers. Put your subscribers in distinct categories – some can be weekly, some can be monthly. There will be people from different localities who will be looking for different kinds of things. You will need an experienced and trained marketer to fine-tune your list for a hyper-personalized experience.

Track your results

Not tracking the results of email campaigns will get your brand nowhere. You need to find out who is opening your emails and how many of them are following the CTAs to buy things. Sometimes, a little change works marvelously to attract the attention of your recipients. For example – changing the color of the CTA or highlighting the live links can act as better guides and prompt more people to visit your website.

Tracking your results can also become the inspiration for a great A/B test. You can find out all the changes that work in contradiction to the changes that don’t. Email marketing is always subject to changes according to customer demands and mobile trends, so you need to keep your marketing game on fleak by understanding what your subscribers want to see in their inbox and what they do not!

Winding it up

Email marketing is far from passé or dormant. Most of the leading blogs and e-commerce companies are renewing their love for email marketing campaigns. Their love for emails is just as much as their subscribers’ love for fresh offers. All people want to see is something “extra” in an inbox swamped by not-so-personal, “personal” emails from different companies at odd hours.

Author Bio:

Sujain Thomas is a marketing analyst, who has over a decade’s experience in the digital marketing world. His expertise in remote databases and email marketing crossovers has made him popular among the new-age marketing experts. Find out all you have to know about ground breaking email marketing strategies and data management at

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash