How to Create Video Content that Converts

How Can Small Businesses Curate Content for Twitter?

Research has revealed that about 42% of a business’s customers learn about the company’s products and services on social media. In fact, more than 85% of a business’s followers feel more connected to the company when they see regular posts by them on Twitter.

Considering this, it becomes important for businesses to engage their customers on Twitter. Publishing relevant content is a great way for small businesses to get noticed by potential customers.

There is a huge amount of content available online today. With so much content and such little customer mind space available, it’s important to curate the right content. Content curation brings in multiple benefits for small businesses, such as:

  • It saves time otherwise spent on content creation
  • It is an easy and a foolproof way of sourcing engaging and relevant content
  • It adds variety to your content feed
  • It is a great way to offset and supplement promotional material
  • It helps create thought leadership in the industry
  • It can add true value to your audience and followers

Source the right content for your Twitter followers using these tips:

Finding the right content that will strike a chord with your audience is a challenging task. But, with these tips, you’ll soon find your feed chock-full of insightful and engaging content:

1. Tap into an RSS feed

An RSS feed is an online channel that delivers content from specific websites. Many websites, news agencies and companies have RSS feeds where their blogs, articles and promotional content are regularly updated.

Use RSS feeds to subscribe to interesting content for your Twitter followers. DrumUp has an RSS reader that you could use.

2. Use your Twitter home timeline

Just like in Facebook or LinkedIn, your Twitter Home Timeline too will contain posts by the accounts you’ve followed. If there’s a post on your timeline that you think your followers will enjoy, why not share it?

You could also start a conversation with the author of the post and engage their followers too. If you’d rather schedule the tweet than retweet it, you could use DrumUp’s in-tweet icon.

3. Share influencer’s posts

Posts by influencers are the elixir of success to small businesses. Re-publish the posts of influencers in your industry. This way you’ll be adding great value to your followers. It will also increase the chances of your audience visiting your account often for great content.

When scheduling DrumUp’s content suggestions, use the @mention suggestions to tag influencers when sharing their content.

4. Channel your Twitter lists

Your Twitter feed can get extremely cluttered due to the incessant publishing of posts by the accounts you follow. Twitter lists are great to de-clutter your Twitter timeline.

Create lists based on specific categories such as profession, hobbies, influencers, current affairs and so on. You can custom curate content and custom publish based on your specific needs.

5. Re-tweet your old posts

If there’s a particular post that performed extremely well when it was initially published, then it’s a good idea to re-publish this post regularly.

When you re-publish old tweets, you give yourself ideas and sources for fresh content. You also increase the chances of brand recall.

Save posts to content libraries when scheduling them on DrumUp. This enables you to easily reuse posts when needed.

6. Use a content curation tool

As a business you’ll have a lot of tasks clamoring for your attention. Manually sourcing and scheduling content for your Twitter feed will take up precious time. Why not use a content curation tool to make things easier?

Tools such as Pocket, Twitter Lists, DrumUp and PublishThis are great for content curation. These tools tap into various sources and collect interesting content that can be easily shared. Most of these tools also have a calendar feature where you can select the date and time of publishing. With content curation tools you can schedule multiple posts simultaneously with ease.

7. Some tips for Successful Tweeting

Research has shown that posts with images get 3X the amount of shares and likes than posts with no images. Post content that is visually engaging.

Add your website or blog URL in the middle of your title or text. Your chances of getting re-tweeted will rise by 26%.

Include hashtags in your tweets. Your post visibility and re-publishing will increase by 33%. A study indicated that 15% of Twitter followers end up unfollowing a business if the company doesn’t regularly engage with them on the site. Make sure you publish content at at least 2-3 times a day.

Curating relevant, informative and engaging content will help your small business retain existing customers and will be the stepping stone to acquiring new ones.

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