Great Content that Performs Well in Google Search Results

The ultimate goal of any content marketer or a content marketing campaign is to ensure that the online content allows a website to rank well on Google search results. In a bid to improve rankings quickly, there are many companies and marketers who have resorted to black hat SEO techniques like keyword stuffing, buying links, etc. that can not only lower the quality of your content but can also get your website penalized. So what does Google suggest? How do you create content that performs well in Google search results? In this video, Alexi Douvas – member of the Google Search Quality Team, explains how people can create content that can help improve the rankings of websites.

Site checklist

Although Google’s search algorithms consider hundreds of factors to decide where a website gets placed in the search results, creating good content is one way to ensure healthy rankings. According to Alexi, content must be created for users and not search engines. This means that instead of focusing on stuffing content with keywords, you need to create content that your readers and customers will find valuable.

Alexi offers a checklist for sites that content creators and companies can use to create content that performs well in search results. Firstly, you need to create original content to publish on your website. To create original content, you need to figure out what your website and brand are really about and what sets you, your website and your company apart from the rest. Alexi also says that you need to ask yourself what is unique about your website and company that no one else can offer. He adds that you need to spend some time finding the core values and unique points of your brand and yourself before creating content.

Another important factor you need to consider is freshness of content. Publish new content on your websites and blogs frequently and update them to keep readers and customers interested. Also, Alexi adds that you should evaluate your site and blog periodically to archive content that is no longer relevant to keep your site and blog lean.

Google’s goal

In this video, Alexi emphasizes that Google’s goal is to serve high-quality and relevant search results to users and you need to keep this in mind while building content for websites and blogs. So instead of focusing mainly on SEO techniques create content that users will find very valuable and as long as you are trying to create most value for users, your goals will be in line with that of Google. Watch this video to know more about creating high performing content from Alexi.