Does Your Online Marketing Campaign Include Posters and Fliers?

With the rise of search engine and social media, most online marketers have written off traditional offline marketing tools like posters and fliers. This is particularly true in case of marketers targeting tech savvy, Facebook and Twitter loving, 24×7 wired Gen Y members. But DateMySchool founders Jean Meyer and Balazs Alexa have proved that these tools are still effective. The online dating site targeting college students has managed to garner over 100,000 sign ups using fliers and posters.

Alexa explains that initially the company resorted to old school marketing methods because of financial constraints, but soon they realized that going offline is the perfect way to reach out to an audience de-sensetized because of excessive online marketing. These users are completely resistant to modern ‘proven’ marketing tools. Fliers and posters are refreshing and effective tools for catching their attention.

The content of your posters and fliers can make or break your offline promotional campaign. Here are a few thumb rules adhered to by professional writing service providers to ensure the success of paper based promotion.

• Keep your message as simple as possible.
• Make sure that your URL is accurate and clearly visible.
• Send the message across repeatedly to ensure that target audiences notice and register it.