Dan Zarrella Talks of the Basics of Twitter Marketing for Business!

Social media and viral marketing scientist, Dan Zarrella of Hubspot fame shares some valuable twitter marketing basics in the following video.

If you’re thinking of taking the plunge into the world of twitter for your business, this video is worth a watch.

Zarrella talks of the power of the ‘retweet’. Almost 70% of retweets contain links, so this is a useful way of promoting your site, blog or product page. Adding a ‘please retweet’ even helps at times, even if it may sound cheesy to you!

The best way be ‘tweeted’ about is by finding people in your business niche and following them. In turn, they too will start following you.

If twitter marketing is something that eats into your time but is still a necessity – get a web writing service or SEO writing service to take care of your twitter marketing campaign!