Content Marketing Lessons You Can Learn From Netflix

What started out as a DVD rental company is now probably the most popular and biggest streaming website the world has ever seen. Netflix not only changed the way we watch shows and movies, but also took up 35.2% of the downstream traffic in North America in 2016. With over 98 million subscribers, there are only a handful of companies who have managed to create a new industry and stay ahead of the curve at the same time.We have a lot to learn from Netflix – from how it creates content to how it reaches out to the right audience.

Here are 3 content marketing lessons you can learn from Netflix.

1. Original content is king

If you carefully go through every show and movie Netflix has to offer, you will begin to understand how much they invest in original content. Marketers and entrepreneurs from all industries have a lot to gain if they invest their finances and efforts in original content that clicks with their audiences.

From the last financial quarter of 2016 to the first quarter of 2017, Netflix has managed to add over four million users to its subscription list. Netflix has bigger plans for 2017 as it is planning on investing approximately $6 billion for additional original content. With competition getting fierce, it is necessary for companies to have a solid budget for quality content, to stand out from the rest of the herd.

2. Data is the ultimate tool

We all know how important big data has become over the past few years. Companies are investing in all sorts of data to have a better understanding of their customers. But are you investing in the right type of data? One of the main reasons why Netflix continues to generate interest is because it uses data to forecast the behavior of its target audience. They keep track of their customer’s browsing habits – what kind of shows they watch in a day, how often videos are fast forwarded, rewinded, and paused, and at around what time they start watching shows and movies. By having a better understanding of customer habits, it suggests shows that will keep them entertained. Also, the marketing content adjusts accordingly.

For example, Netflix made 10 cuts for the trailer of House of Cards and suggested them to users based on their viewing habits. For e.g., if you are a fan of Kevin Spacey, Netflix will show you a trailer where he makes a lot of appearances.

3. Create shareable content

It may be hard to predict which video goes viral, but you can do your best by making sure the content can be shared easily. Netflix is known for how well it gels with social media. Its brand voice is superb as it knows how to be a part of its target audience’s conversations. You can take a look at their posts on Twitter to see how easy it is to connect with their posts.

To put things into perspective, Netflix has a series of funny gifs featuring scenes from all its shows which can be shared on social media or downloaded for personal use. With gifs gaining popularity, you can see how Netflix has positioned themselves to ride the wave.

Netflix may follow some unconventional methods but that is one of the main reasons why it dominates the video streaming industry. If you want to build an audience that is as dedicated as Netflix’s audiences, incorporate everything you have just learned into your marketing techniques.

You can also take the help of a professional content writing company with years of experience in content marketing. We not only implement the lessons learnt from Netflix, but also provide cost-effective solutions.

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