Content marketing has been around for a while now. But few businesses are actually deriving value from their content marketing efforts. It’s not easy to understand why – at a time when we’re bombarded by content of all type on our desktops, mobile phones, tablets and through traditional channels, the focus on value and quality of content holds precedence over everything else. Which brings us to the first best practice of content marketing – creating useful content.

Making sure your content has intrinsic value: A lot of branded content, is frankly, disposable. Memes and funny videos no doubt cut the mustard with the average consumer, but do they actually make your brand appear like a reliable authority or attract shares as consistently as you may want? Not really. Consumers want content that is actually useful to them, something that guides their actions or helps them plan, buy or gain an educated perspective.

Useful content is the easiest way to build trust, and shared more often than frivolous content. Consider the case study in Jonah Berger’s book ‘Contagious: Why Things Catch On’ which reveals that useful articles in the New York Times are forwarded 30 per cent more than average. There are several ways to figure out the questions your audience is asking, and the kind of advice or clarifications they are seeking – from forum discussions to social media. This can help you pick appropriate blog post and ebook topics.

Placing your content on your prospects’ online hang-out zones: According to the Center for the Digital Future, Americans spend 80 per cent of their online time on 15 or less sites. There is a high possibility that your website may not be one among the 15. To position your website more attractively, you can consider pull marketing techniques. Importantly, you must repackage the key content assets residing on your website to attract your target audience on channels where they’re flocking to: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.

Trying to create the best solution: It is equally important to create content that meets the needs of your target audience effectively and completely. While you will no doubt look to cover a wide spectrum of information you have deemed useful to your clients, you must do your best to create extremely useful content, almost a benchmark of sorts in that category. Companies using this approach have benefited most from content marketing. So whether it is a mobile app or an ebook that you are creating, cover all bases and make it the best app/ebook you can.