Blog Topics You Must Write On Only if You Are an Expert

Although blogs are platforms where you put up content based on your own experience and knowledge, certain types of blogs need a very high level of expertise and precision that you may lack in. the reason is simple – you may be dealing with lives, and any little amount of misinformation can have serious consequences. Unless you are an expert in the field in which you are writing, you will need to engage in a lot of research to present the right information. Besides, fields such as medicine see constant updates to existing information, which you have to stay abreast with. Here are five such themes/topics/areas that you need to be careful with:

  1. Law: this is one of the most serious topics to deal with, and must be handled carefully. When writing articles or posts ion blogs, you need to make sure that you have a precise, thorough knowledge of what you are writing. No guess work can be allowed for, because law is like a code – a tiny error can have devastating results. Besides, whenever you are making interpretations, you must make sure that you are making it clear that the information is your interpretation and not what the law actually says.
  2. Medicine: as mentioned above, medicine is a field where information keeps getting updated alongside the new things that are discovered. But this is just one small aspect of health and medicine blog-writing. Other factors that you need to consider are that the information you provide should be based on well-established research, and the possibility that your readers may simply take bits and pieces of your content, and go ahead with misdiagnosing themselves. Medicine and health are fields where you need to have authoritative knowledge about the information you provide.
  3. Business: the challenge with business and corporate writing is not technically precise facts as in medicine or law, but in presenting information  that makes sense, is up-to-date, and in sync with what is most current in the corporate world. Corporate writing does not have to be very technical in nature – in fact, it may even be better if it isn’t – but it definitely must add some value to the knowledge of the reader.
  4. Mental health: this is one of the most delicate of subjects because it deals directly with the mental state of the reader. It is best to avoid writing on mental health unless you have worked at a mental health setup or are yourself a certified mental health professional

So what are your options when you are not a professional in fields such as these, but want to publish content in these areas for various reasons, anyway?

  1. Research. This is the one single pillar to becoming an expert in any area. Research not only involves reading articles from online sources, but also talking to other experts in the field.
  2. Expert opinion. If you have a close acquaintance who is an expert in the concerned field, you can ask him/her to read the post and give you an expert opinion.
  3. Outsource. The simplest and safest way out is to hand over the responsibility to a set of expert writers instead of doing it yourself. Not only will you be saving a lot of time and effort, but your posts will also have a professional angle to them.

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