The Biggest Social Media Mistakes Businesses Make – Josh Bernoff

Social technology expert Josh Bernoff in the following video speaks of the 3 biggest mistakes that businesses make while engaging in social media.

The biggest mistake of all he says, is talking without ever listening! If you don’t participate in the conversation by replying to your audience – they will lose interest.

Another mistake is taking forever to plan your social media launch. In social media, you can never know what’s going to happen. The best practice is to start small, and go with flow.

The third mistake he speaks of is, abandoning your Facebook page, Twitter account and Blog after you’re done launching your social media campaign. He urges companies to take advantage of the relationships they’ve built during the course of their campaign instead.

If maintaining these social media platforms ever gets too hard – get a professional content writer or copywriter to help do this for you, and continue to reap the benefits!