A Seven-Point Checklist to Know If Your Social-Media Marketing is Effective

At a time when Social Media is playing such a role in businesses everywhere, it may not come as a surprise that you can gauge how your business is doing by using cues from your business page. Although it may not always be an accurate reflection of how your business is doing, it can still be of great help to you ask yourself these seven questions:

  1. Is your crowd engaged?
    This is the first question you need to ask yourself whenever you want to determine the effectiveness of your social media marketing. An engaged crowd is characterized by discussions, debates, questions, reviews and so on. The more there is such activity on your business’ social media account/s, the better your crowd is engaged. And the more engaged your crowd is, the more growth opportunities you have.
  2. What is the mood like on your page?
    If you feel that there is a high level of interaction on your social media account, you then need to determine what the general mood is like. Are there a lot of complaints? Is the level of frustration that is being vented out higher than the praises your services/products are receiving? Or are the vibes more positive?
  3. Is your crowd happy with how their grievances are being addressed?
    Over-looking grievance-redressal can spell disaster for your business. Keep an eye out for posts and comments where your customers or clients complain about how their complaints have not been addressed properly. Addressing complaints effectively can overturn all the harm done by faulty services and products – ultimately, it is about how you make someone feel more  than what you give them!
  4. Are people contacting you through your social media pages?
    If yes, then it means that your social media marketing has driven the nail in the right spot. The very idea of social media marketing is to expand your clientbase over the web, tapping the vast resource of potential customers who do not have direct access to you.
  5. Are your posts getting shared?
    People will not take the trouble to share a posts unless they find it to be really interesting or relevant. This means that you cannot simply post something just because you want your page to look busy! Effective social media marketing involves drawing people’s’ attention to your business by appealing to their interests and likes – something that requires the help of professionals and experts in social media marketing.
  6. How often do you tell your friends and acquaintances to like/share your posts?
    As long as you have to tell your folks to like/share your social media posts, your social media presence is very weak. The aim of your social media marketing should be to reach a point in time where the likes and shares come from people unknown to you! Until you reach that point, you have to take a lot of effort to drive your social media marketing.
  7. Are your profits and investment in social media marketing showing a positive correlation?
    And finally, if your profits show a rise each time you increase the efforts you put into your social media marketing, it is a clear sign that you are on the right track.

All this may sound like a lot of work, but not when you have expert social media marketing professionals handling your business pages. Contact us to get started now!