3 Tips to Strengthen Your Brand Image on Google

Google may seem to be playing favorites with well-known brands with its recent updates strongly favoring big names, but this does not mean that there is no hope for smaller companies. The ultimate purpose of the search engine is to provide the most useful results for user queries. For this purpose the engine looks for elements that offer quantifiable proof that a website is considered valuable by users and branding is such an element. This means that by strengthening their brand image small companies can also take advantage of Google’s favorable attitude towards strong brands and compete with big names. Here are 3 tips to help you achieve this goal.

Create a distinct visual brand

Regardless of the size of your website, you can create a strong brand by adopting a consistent color scheme across all your online and offline properties, a recognizable logo and consistent slogans, marketing messages and taglines. The colors should reflect the personality of your company. You can take help of professional graphic designers and copywriters to create logo and marketing messages respectively.

Act like a big brand

Observing the branding efforts of big companies can help you formulate strategies to strengthen your own brand. For instance, large companies tend to incorporate consistent brand signals across all channels like newsletters, emails and ads. This is something that can be easily adopted by small companies.

Include branded keywords

Apart from general target keyword phrases like ‘designer bags’, including brand specific keywords like ‘Xyz designer bags’ can help your branding efforts. Branded keywords should particularly be included in the title tag.