Businesses that have high quality and frequently visited blogs have been found to get significantly more traffic than those without blogs. In response to this observed trend, many businesses have begun adopting a content marketing strategy and the positive results of this effort have been evident. However, with any business strategy the bottom line matters most. So if your blog has been getting a lot of viewers but they are not being converted into customers, you have to implement certain actions. Some companies even use professional blog writing services to make their strategy more effective and less time-consuming.

Have powerful call to actions

When ending a blog post, you have to direct a reader to the next point in the sales pipeline. Putting it simply, your readers might be loyal and interested in some of your products; this is the perfect opportunity to guide them into signing up for your services or singing up for your newsletter. When writing call to actions you have to be enticing and appeal on a personal level to every reader. If the blog is about a certain problem that your product solves, your CTA will tell users about your product. Additionally, you can ask users to comment and share their experiences to improve engagement.

Hosting offers

Increasing sales for your product can be achieved by hosting different kinds of deals on your blog. They can be discounts or bundles that allow customers an opportunity to get products at low prices. This will make readers re-evaluate their previous decisions not to purchase your product or service by offering superior value propositions. Teaming up with other companies to offer a combination of products will increase the appeal of the deal and lead to more sales. If you are a smaller blogger, you can team up with 4-5 other bloggers to offer great deals To encourage quicker sales, you can have deadlines for the deals. Depending on the size of the deal, a week or two should be the deadline. Offers also help you gather readers’ email addresses so you can contact and pitch to them in the future.


Your blog posts should not read like a sales pitch but you can still include one or two links within the text. These links will lead users to your services and products in a subtle manner. Do not include too many links and when you do, use them only at the right times. Links that lead to unrelated product pages will frustrate readers and turn them away. For a 600 word post, 1 or 2 inline links are ideal. Links can also be included as side notes after certain paragraphs. If you offer online courses and webinars, inline links can be very useful while promoting them.


There is one aspect that influencer marketing and testimonials have in common – that is the fact that users are more likely to trust the word of other users when compared to that of the companies. Market Experiments found that including written testimonials into your content improves conversion by 25%. To make testimonials effective, include them into relevant parts of the blog. When you’re talking about your services as part of a blog, include testimonials as examples of how effective your services are. Case studies and claims that you make get the most benefits from including testimonials.Testimonials are a great way to advertise your services without coming off as trying to make the “hard sell.”

When you do execute all of these methods, remember to not be too pushy. The focus is always on helping out your readers first and everything else later. If you do it the other way around, your blog won’t grow. Helping your audience will gain their trust before you pitch your services to them. You will not be able to include all 5 of the above elements in every blog post, but be sure to make the best of opportunities that arise.

Image: Pixabay