Using Autoresponders to Improve Conversion Rate

What would you like your business’ internet marketing strategy to do- just grab attention or make the attention count?

One common mistake made by many novice internet business marketers is that they write to attract readers. But the business benefits only when these visitors convert to customers. Autoresponders fulfill both of these objectives in a very effective way.

The internet is a marketplace like no other. Most of the visitors to your site may leave without making any transaction with you. But this does not mean that they are failed conversions. By using effective lead capture techniques you glean some important information about these visitors. An autoresponder stores away all this valuable data. This online data base forms the basis of a mailing list for you to use. The autoresponder sends follow up mails to the people on the list automatically.

To make your autoresponder’s emailing effective you should ensure that each recipient on the list is approached in the right way. A first time visitor should be cajoled into giving you/ your business a try with some freebies or useful information. The email or newsletter sent to this recipient needs to be persuasive, strong and should inspire trust. An existing customer has already crossed this point. The autoresponder email or newsletter to an existing customer should be more of an acknowledgement of his custom and it should show appreciation. This appreciation may take several forms, such as discounts, offers, information about good deals etc. A professional copywriting service will be able to provide you with several effective email templates for your different customers.

One aspect that should be common to every autoresponder missive is that the message is short and simple. Respect the fact that your reader has other things to do. Don’t draw them into long winded, pointless mails that will surely fail to make an impact. Remember that when the reader opens your mail, he has a clear expectation. Make sure that you fulfill this expectation with the content of the autoresponder email or newsletter.