Godot monthly newsletter is back with the latest and hottest stories from the world of online marketing and more.

Social is the buzz word on the internet and we are on top of the game to offer you’re the best in class services to leverage these highly potent viral mediums. This edition of our newsletter discusses the latest rumors doing rounds in the social media and search industry, and some useful tips for your online success.

Google Prepares to Enter the Social Scene

The search and social scenes are abuzz with rumors about Google Circles – the supposed name for Google’s yet to be released social network. Google Circles is believed to be a social product that offers a high degree of privacy to users, while integrating status updates, videos and pictures.

Several bloggers and journalists have claimed that the product was officially announced. While Google representatives are denying this, they have made no comments on the name or the supposed benefits of the rumored product. Whether or not Google’s social network will be named Google Circles is still uncertain, but the company has made it amply clear that they will soon be trying their luck in the social arena again.

Simple Measures to Build Online Reputation of Your Business

Trust is the foundation for any business transaction. Good online reputation is crucial for building the trust of potential customers in your company. Good reputation results in increased sale, higher revenue and ultimately growth of your business. Here are a few simple measures to help you maintain and build the online reputation of your company.

* Monitor online mention of your brand
* Give prompt and polite response to negative comments
* Improve your search ranking as websites with top rankings are considered credible by web users
* Create a business blog that offers useful content to your target audience
* Make use of social media

Need help doing any of these? We are always there for your assistance.

Tips and Tricks for Facebook Success

Having a Facebook business page is fast becoming a necessity rather than an option. Still many people are ignorant of the numerous ways in which Facebook can be beneficial for their business. Apart from over 600 million Facebook users, your Facebook page is also accessible to anyone looking for your brand on Google.

If you conduct a search for any social brand, more often than not, 4 out of 10 top search results are likely to be social pages and Facebook is the biggest player on the social scene. Here are some tips to help you get more out of your Facebook page

* Create interesting content and ensure that your posts are targeted at the right audience
* Make use of Facebook insight data to find out more about your fans
* Post updates at the right time – Highest engagement levels are observed for updates posted before noon and on Fridays
* Be in your fan’s ‘Top News’
* Get an easy to remember custom URL for your Facebook page

Great content and effective strategies can make Facebook one of the most successful marketing platforms for your business.

5 Characteristics All Great Bloggers Have in Common

Benefits of blogging include increased reach, more traffic, back links, brand building, reputation management and more. But have you ever wondered what it takes to be a successful blogger? Here are 5 characteristics that all effective bloggers have in common.

* Effective bloggers focus on a particular niche
* They avoid fluff and tend to write easy to digest, short posts
* They have a master plan, which they follow faithfully
* They pay attention to their readers’ needs and respond to them
* They are persistent as they know that overnight success is a myth

Godot bloggers have all these 5 characteristics and know how to put to practice the special tricks of the trade to give your business blog a unique identity.

A Concluding Note…

The success of an online business or the online presence of your business depends on a number of factors like your website, online marketing efforts, search engine optimization and more. A common thread that ties all these factors is good quality content that can be written by a professional content writing service. Don’t waste your time and energy struggling to get the content right – get help from the experts today!


Godot May Value Offer

Get 10% off on all blog/article/eBook writing orders placed before 31st May.

To avail the limited period discount, mention the “May Value Offer” discount and we’ll waive off flat 10% on your blog/articles/eBook content order. If you haven’t already tried our Super service, it’s just about time. Place an order today!