There is no dearth of content on the internet. No user is limited to just one source when he needs information of any sort.

Your primary objective in posting web content is to ensure that every potential customer should consider you his best source. To fulfill this objective, your content needs to be usable to the end user; else you stand the risk of losing him to your competitors.

An uninformative site or one where content is not presented in an easy to understand manner, is a huge barrier to customer conversion. Consider this situation: XYZ has heard about your quality furniture from his friends. He visits you online, having almost made up his mind to buy your product. But on the site, all he can find is your sales pitch highlighting the features that you want your audience to note. He cannot find, for instance, if your furniture will be durable enough for his family of four. He cannot even search for answers to his questions using keywords like cost, size, and materials used etc. He moves on to an online furniture store that allows him to find what he needs based on his pre-set criteria and most likely purchases what he needs from there. In short, your content is not designed to be usable or informative to XYZ and this dissuades him from making the purchase.

Making your web content usable to the visitor draws him into a deeper relationship with you. Useful and usable content has the power to convert a casual visitor into a potential customer who depends on you for reliable information. This information also needs to be presented in such a way that he can access it quickly and assimilate it easily. Sites that cater to end user needs with accurate, well written and informative content gain their trust quickly. This is why many businesses hire an SEO writing service to create their web content. A professional SEO writing service should be able to create content that gives your audience exactly the information they need.