Web page and personality – does that even make sense? After all, what kind of personality would a bunch of written words have?

A very telling one, in fact! Your web page has its own unique identity and personality. Just as how you get a glimpse of one’s personality by interacting and communicating with them; a webpage’s personality comes across as you read through it. There are many aspects that go into building the personality of your web page. The design, color scheme, fonts and visuals all play a part here. But most important of all, is the content of your web page. What works perfectly for one site may simply not work for another.

For instance, the personality a fitness site ‘exudes’ has to be very different from that of a financial news site. The first may be breezy, aggressive, motivating and even have a personal touch. However, none of these would work for a financial news site. Here the copy has to be business like, the language formal and a lot of importance needs to be given to facts and figures.

The tone of the copy differs dramatically. The fitness site may welcome new visitors with a banner saying “Sign up here for a brand new body”; but the finance site would probably have a much more subtle banner asking visitors to “Register to receive the latest financial news from the most reliable source online”. Clearly a mismatch between the personality of your web page and your business can prove quite disastrous.

Several businesses hire an experienced web content writing service to avoid making such mistakes. These services have several writers who, between them, can create copy with just the right personality to suit any business or subject.