Using your Blog to Answer Questions of Prospective Customers

A blog can be one of the most effective tools you use in your SEO campaign. This tool is one that has virtually indefinite boundaries when it comes to subject coverage, freedom to express thoughts and the leeway to communicate in any style so that the end-user comprehends the message – which is why every business should have a blog.

All of these factors make the blog a very effective communication channel. One good way to use this channel for writing a professional blog for your SEO campaign is to answer questions posed by prospective customers on subjects related to your business/ product via your blog. For example, a patio furniture business can answer questions about outdoor decorating tips through its blog and link back to its site where they offer relevant products.

By answering questions in a helpful and informative way, the blog invites confidence. Chances are that a reader will trust such a blog and also the company offering such useful advice. The blog should be written in such a way that it piques the curiosity of the reader and encourages him to follow the link to see what more you have to offer, which may ultimately result in them becoming a paying customer for your business.

The blog posts, whether written by you or a professional blog writer service, should read well, be informative and provide real value to your readers. Also, pay attention to the quality of landing pages of the links you insert in your blog posts. If the landing page lacks quality, the customer will be turned away because his trust is eroded by your evident lack of attention to this page.